Friday 18 December 2009

Christmas is coming the targets haven't been met...

One week till Christmas
My target of gaining my first $ hasn't materialised
I've done most of the tasks I'd set myself

Ezine - target 10 published - actual 5 published 1 in the publishing queue 1 has a problem 3 to write.
I reckon I'll achieve this.

Accredited WA Article Marketing Course - target is to complete - actual progress -lesson 7 out of 11.
Again I reckon I may just manage this by Christmas. Ho ho ho!

I've found a good niche to promote, created a website using Weebly for free, added a number of affiliate links and a landing page for all my articles in Ezine to point to.

So a week to go - with only 5 articles, I've not much chance of getting the first sale

Then again if I use Mass Article Control I purchased to send a modified version of each article to 19 other directories for backlinking to improve the authority of the landing page, I may have a chance...

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Ready to roll

I got it. Yes after dozens of messages to a helpful colleague in WA I've figured out the tools to use and process to follow. So a big campaign looms.
I've bought a domain for a review type website and plan to point the hundreds of articles I write to it - no thousands.
I also decided to give something back to WA and wrote a resource tutorial on writing a journalist standard quality article. It's had very good reviews so far - and its pushed me up their rankings to 43rd.
But now I need to stop figuring and start writing day in day out to make some income.

I've also had a couple of clients asking for my help in keyword research and SEO. Hmm, I don't want to tempt fate but I think there's a strong business model here.