Thursday 7 January 2010

Papa's Got a Brand New Website

Thanks to Roger Rowe aka X2 on Wealthy Affiliate, I've got myself a brand new 100 page Wordpress website for the cost of monthly hosting.

It's the kind of deal that comes along now and again on WA. You gotta be watching & jump in. He's getting commission on the hosting but I suspect his real prize is hooking in a bunch of newbies who will buy more from him as they trust him.

He knows his stuff but I've developed a healthy scepticism of everyone. Will be interesting to see how it develops. He's liable to be swamped with people wanting a free website.

My main prize is getting a website made for me in Wordpress. I'd decided to go that route anyway as I'd concluded it was the best long term platform for good quality websites.

This new Wordpress website knocks the socks off the first effort I did in Weebly, good as that seemed at the time!

On the article front, I've now done 15 but Ezine have raised the bar to 35 before I become Platinum and get my articles rapid-approved.

I'll need to amend them all to point them to my new Wordpress site once I've created a new landing page there promoting my product.

I'll soon rewrite the Ezine articles 2/3 times using Mass Article Control then post all 3 versions to 15-16 other article sites for backlinks back to my website to improve it's authority.

Then there's Digg, Delicious, Stumble etc. I've been told about Social Poster which submits to them all (being about 30 sites) in one go. It's on my list of things to do!

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