Tuesday 24 November 2009

First articles published

I'm half way through the Accreditation Article Marketing course. Good for the basics. I want to get to the end for a preview but it won't let you! Better to follow the steps, no matter how pedantic, so the grounding is there.

Along the way I've published and had accepted an article with Ezine - the "holy grail" it seems, along with a handful to Squidoo & a few other directories

The help in the WA forums has been great. Though after 2 months, I'd got to know a few of the guys so just directly asked one of them the real deal. He's followed the same path as I am taking & earns more than enough to live on. He's not a salesman, just focused, determined & resilient.

For each campaign, target around 1000 different keywords & 12000 unique articles to dominate a niche. He was good enough to tell me the applications & tools he uses to do this efficiently. I'll start with these then adapt as I go.

There are quite a few others who I'm messaging & we'll undoubtedly be swapping notes too.

Within WA, there is a push by some to promote WA itself. I may get onto that later but I have decided to focus on writing articles for my selected niches first. Keep it simple and stay focused!

I've also got a zippier laptop now - though the downside was I had to reinstall Vista. Still I can publish articles much more speedily.

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