Sunday 1 November 2009

Holiday Inspiration

A holiday can do wonders! Two weeks ago I thought I'd come up with a good niche and had started analysing it. Then whilst on the plane (where I always come up with my best ideas) out to Cyprus, I hit on a truly brilliant niche.
And now I'm back from holiday, I'm keenly following it up.
I can easily think of 30 odd unique articles to write. If I work on this, I'd hope to make this over 50. Wow! Then I can submit each in a slightly altered structure to 4-5 article sites.

Whilst on holiday I decided to target doing 5 campaigns before Christmas. The first will take 2 weeks, thereafter each should take one week. By then I'll know if this whole shebang is a go-er or not.

I also worked out a structured approach -
Find Niche - Find products to promote - Carry out Research into the niche - Create a pool of article subheadings - Create the framework of a website - Use subheadings to create series of articles - pad out website with content & links - submit articles
So lets see if this approach works. I'll update it once I've followed it through

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