Tuesday 6 October 2009

Pet Niche Report

I've finally managed to read the whole of the Pet Industry niche research. I received it free in the initial $1 7 day trial.
It's taken perhaps 3 hours to read - I finished it off whilst my kids were at their swimming lesson today. Talk about comprehensive! I'd imagine this kind of report would normally cost several hundred £ or $.
It gives me ideas for marketing - but as its been available several months I may have missed the boat. I'll investigate keywords for competition.

I'm now into full membership and the next 2 free reports are available so I've printed them off - "Beating Adwords" & "Vegas Confidential" - both about 100 pages. Roll on next weeks swimming lesson! Both look very readable.

Tomorrow I'm planning to go for my first lesson in the WA University. I'm happy to soak in all the information before launching into trying to make money. I am an accountant after all...

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