Tuesday 13 October 2009

Blitzing a niche

Just about to go on holiday for 2 weeks - just when I'm getting warmed up on my niche!
Been reading more tips on WA from ccmusicmaker - how he generated 900 articles on one niche. Don't think I'll go that far, feels like the content quality is likely to be too weak.
However the concept of "blitzing" a niche is sound.

I reckon once a niche is found, and research done so I've got a good understanding of ins and outs of the subject (its got to be something I already have personal experience of) then I can create maybe a hundred subheadings & from this list combine them together into a number of unique articles then add the titles & body.

I'll use the keyword finder tool, the article writer tool & the website creation tool provided by WA. Excellent to get me started.

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