Sunday 4 October 2009

The Wealthy Affiliate Journey Starts Here?

First up, I'm a qualified Scottish Chartered Accountant. And I'm from Yorkshire. So not only tight with money but also blunt.
Last week a colleague mentioned a site to me - Wealthy Affiliate. I checked it out with a heavy dose of scepticism, but being of an optimistic & opportunistic nature, I never like to pass things by.
At the moment I've 2 days left of a 7 day trial which cost $1. I've already decided to extend, initially by 2 months.
They have a mass of resource to learn about as well as techniques for article marketing, affiliate marketing etc. There is an 8 week self teach course to follow.

I figured it may be useful to track my progress over these 8 weeks and keep a diary of what I've learned and any success I've had from it.
I'm not normally into diaries but for some reason this idea grabbed me.
If I stick with Wealthy Affiliate after 8 weeks then I'll keep the diary going if any one's reading by then. I think I'll be able to post a screenshot of my latest earnings each week.

OK, down to brass tacks. Do I get anything for promoting Wealthy Affiliate? Only if I refer someone. Two will cover my monthly WA subscription.
Coming from finance, I'm not at all good at sales or at recommending anything that's anything but genuine.
So if this turns out to be as good as it sounds, then I'll feel good about recommending it to others who want to earn a residual income.
And I'll point them to this blog which hopefully will be a comprehensive record of my journey from the start point.

1 comment:

  1. A Scottish qualified CA from Yorkshire, now that's an interesting combination. I am going to watch your journey with interest!
    Good luck,
